
PerkettPR Is Now Mindfull Marketing + PR

When I started PerkettPR in 1998, I was really focused on filling a void in the PR industry. Times were good, with tech PR especially booming, and I kept meeting startup founders who wanted and needed PR help but couldn’t get agencies to call them back. Agencies were busy, indeed, but I recognized this overflow as a prime time to break out on my own and pick up the business that wasn’t being addressed.

Here we are 20 years later! We’re still filling the void for clients seeking unique, measurable and effective marketing and PR campaigns. Sometimes I can’t believe it, but after serving hundreds of clients across the world – from Boston to San Francisco and many states in between, as well as Australia, Europe and APAC – we are still an award-winning, thriving and creative agency that’s been doing much more than PR for quite some time now. As PR is only a slice of an integrated marketing campaign, our services have expanded to include content marketing, digital media and advertising, social media management, sales support, training, events and even fractional CMO services, allowing us to work intimately with clients who need an experienced marketing lead as they start out, or are in transition.

Learn about our full scope of marketing & PR services

What better way to celebrate than a makeover? We wanted to recognize how we’ve grown with a fresh brand that better reflects what we do for global companies today. We’re excited to announce our new name, look and feel. While PerkettPR has served us well, it was time to emphasize the expanded scope of marketing services that we’ve been providing for years now. We also wanted to give a nod to the reality that marketers are trying to reach audiences who are more connected, distracted and impatient than ever. Their minds are full and their attention is whittled – with constant media and social media in front of them it’s harder than ever to stand out and raise awareness. It takes an aggressive and thoughtful team to help brands break through the clutter and engage their target audience. It takes understanding that marketing is no longer speaking at, but speaking with, constituents in a mindful manner.

See what some of our clients have had to say about working with us. 

It’s all very exciting! We like a challenge. In the same manner that we boldly founded an agency in 1998 that had an unprecedented business model and has since garnered national recognition, celebrated numerous accolades and awards, successfully weathered two recessions, and employed amazing individuals from coast to coast, we will continue to pave inventive paths for our clients under the Mindfull Marketing brand. We will refocus on growth opportunities, expanding our team as we continue to service clients in Europe and the U.S.

We hope you’ll join us for the next innovative 20 years.

– Christine

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Consumer Lifestyle

From speed dating to fashion and apparel, to a community for introverts, our team has launched consumer lifestyle startups and worked with more established brands such as Life is Good. We helped to create the brand and launch Quiet Revolution, the mission-based company founded by New York Times Best Selling Author Susan Cain. The company was founded after Seth Godin gave Susan advice to take the concept of her 2012 book, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” and form an organization around the ideas within, to further her mission. Our team worked directly with Susan from the very beginning, taking over branding and messaging from a larger NY branding firm, and helping to create the now famous “Q” logo, as well as the website and key partnerships. We managed the marketing process including interviewing, recruiting and hiring team members, as well as outside vendors. We also led media relations, partnerships and business development – creating strategies on everything from Quiet travel to Quiet workplaces and training, and working with partners such as Steelcase to create Steelcase Susan Cain Quiet Spaces for introverts in the workplace.

Consumer Tech

Our consumer tech clients have changed the world in transportation (Zemcar), security (Kaspersky) communications and entertainment (Location Labs, Powwownow, Phonezoo, MeeVee (now LiveUniverse), online shopping (Shopcade), social media (UberVU (now Hootsuite), Photobucket), healthcare (iStand Today, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, TomoTherapy) and even home security (Simplisafe). For Simplisafe, our team launched the first-ever self-installed, buy-what-you-need wireless security system, which at the time was an unknown startup. Working with the husband and wife founders, we strategized on compelling branding and messaging appropriate for an industry disruptor, established social media accounts and campaigns before they were really known for business use, and created ground-breaking, grassroots PR campaigns such as the “America’s Worst Roommate Contest,” which captured the attention of the core audience: young apartment dwellers. As of 2018, Simplisafe had over 300,000 customers and was valued at $1B.