Consumer Lifestyle

From speed dating to fashion and apparel, to a community for introverts, our team has launched consumer lifestyle startups and worked with more established brands such as Life is Good. We helped to create the brand and launch Quiet Revolution, the mission-based company founded by New York Times Best Selling Author Susan Cain. The company was founded after Seth Godin gave Susan advice to take the concept of her 2012 book, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking,” and form an organization around the ideas within, to further her mission. Our team worked directly with Susan from the very beginning, taking over branding and messaging from a larger NY branding firm, and helping to create the now famous “Q” logo, as well as the website and key partnerships. We managed the marketing process including interviewing, recruiting and hiring team members, as well as outside vendors. We also led media relations, partnerships and business development – creating strategies on everything from Quiet travel to Quiet workplaces and training, and working with partners such as Steelcase to create Steelcase Susan Cain Quiet Spaces for introverts in the workplace.