Persuasive Picks for the week of 09/28/09

Google Wave Hits Shore. Flash Flood Warning In Effect.
This week marked the first round of invites to Google Wave. Just 100,000 invites have been handed out so far – making the topic a top-trend in no time flat. This post from Louis Gray gives a good run-down of his first impressions.

He Said, She Said: Google Sidewiki
We’ll continue with the Google theme with this post from Beth Harte on MPDailyFix, featuring the lesser-hyped Google Sidewiki. Businesses and web site owners should note the paragraph on “claiming your site.”

Social Media Tools that Save Lives
Arnold Zafra from the RotorBlog share some interesting examples of how social media tools have been used to save lives in the wake of recent disasters around the globe.

5 Twitter Tips for Staying Authentic and Transparent
Michelle Bowles shares some tips for adding to your success on Twitter, but these straight forward and useful gems can (and should) be applied to your activity on all social networking platforms that are integrated into your overall social marketing strategy.

Five sure-fire ways to fail at social marketing
Helen Leggatt provides five tips on avoiding failure when you are preparing to take your first dip into social marketing waters.

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