
Persuasive Picks for the week of 08/02/10

wave_logo Google Wave is Dead
This ReadWriteWeb post by Marshall Kirkpatrick covers the short lived life of Google Wave after this weeks announcement that Google will be halting future development on the product.

3 Ways to Handle the Unpredictable Behavior of the B2B Buyer
Michele Linn from MarketingProfs shares this very entertaining comparison between her two year old daughter and the characteristics of the typical B2B buyer.

The Need for Social Media AND PR
Mark Evans touches upon why social media is not a replacement for traditional public relations and why they can provide a ‘one-two punch’ when used in combination.

Brands Slow to Embrace Social Media For Global Markets
Mark Walsh from the MediaPost News recaps findings from a recent Harris Interactive study that found less than 50% of companies surveyed are using Facebook to connect with consumers globally.

50 Surprising Facts About Social Media
Did you know that the average Facebook user has 130 friends? This post on lists a plethora of interesting and fun facts about many of the social network platforms that we all know and love.

Persuasive Picks for the week of 05/24/10

Facebook_privacy_380pxEvery Facebook Privacy Feature Revealed and Explained
With upwards of 56 different options to play with, Facebook’s privacy settings can be dizzying to say the least. This MacLife post breaks down the options to a more digestible level – at least until Facebook changes things up again!

Planning a New Content Marketing Initiative? Consider These 4 Tips
Michele Linn from the Content Marketing Institute shares several content marketing tips in this entertaining post that compares the challenges of building a proper and maintainable content marketing program to her personal experience of planting a new garden.

How To Use Google Wave for Live Blogging
I’ve recently had a renewed interest in Google Wave now that its switch over to “invite free” public beta has made it more accessible to my social graph. This great post by Frederic Lardinois shows how Wave can be used as a convenient  live-blogging tool.

Facebook to Roll Out Q&A Feature
Mashable’s Jolie O’Dell gives the low-down on Facebook’s new Q&A feature that is sure to challenge the likes of Yahoo Answers and Linked-In Answers.

Is The White Paper Dead for B2B Marketing?
This post from Paul Dunay suggests that the white paper is dead and offers several content options that are much better alternatives.

Persuasive Picks for the week of 03/15/10

facebook-et-1Facebook overtakes Google, Twitterers prefer social to news
The SiliconRepublic’s John Kennedy shares a variety of stats and projections from a recent study issued by Hitwise. The study confirms that traffic to Facebook has outpaced Google. In addition, Twitter is continuing to emerge as a key source for news and media sites.

Twitter’s @anywhere could prove risky for users
Computerworld’s Sharon Gaudin provides a rundown of Twitter’s new @anywhere functionality and explains why this offering could prove risky to brands.

How SEO Can Build Brand
This post from SEOConsult begins the exploration of the relationship between Search Engine Optimization and the profitability of your business.

Is Google Wave getting Buzzed?
Google Wave and Google Buzz are two new apps that many web-workers are still struggling to figure out. Both were launched in radically different ways. While users are still trying to figure out how these products fit into their workflow, it seems that Google itself is also still trying to determine what’s next for these new offerings. To be continued…

It’s the Social Media Strategy Struggle
WebWorkDaily’s Aliza Sherman shares a list of helpful social media strategies that she learned from her experience at this year’s SXSW Interactive Conference.

Persuasive Picks for the week of 09/28/09

Google Wave Hits Shore. Flash Flood Warning In Effect.
This week marked the first round of invites to Google Wave. Just 100,000 invites have been handed out so far – making the topic a top-trend in no time flat. This post from Louis Gray gives a good run-down of his first impressions.

He Said, She Said: Google Sidewiki
We’ll continue with the Google theme with this post from Beth Harte on MPDailyFix, featuring the lesser-hyped Google Sidewiki. Businesses and web site owners should note the paragraph on “claiming your site.”

Social Media Tools that Save Lives
Arnold Zafra from the RotorBlog share some interesting examples of how social media tools have been used to save lives in the wake of recent disasters around the globe.

5 Twitter Tips for Staying Authentic and Transparent
Michelle Bowles shares some tips for adding to your success on Twitter, but these straight forward and useful gems can (and should) be applied to your activity on all social networking platforms that are integrated into your overall social marketing strategy.

Five sure-fire ways to fail at social marketing
Helen Leggatt provides five tips on avoiding failure when you are preparing to take your first dip into social marketing waters.

Persuasive Picks for the week of 05/24/09

SpymasterSpymaster: The Twitter Game That Will Assassinate Your Time
As if Twitter weren’t enough of a distraction from your day on its own, we now have “Spymaster” to contend with. Keep your eyes peeled for the “#spymaster” hashtag to start flooding your stream, as the wild adoption of this new Twitter-based game ensues!

Nine worst social media fails of 2009… thus far
Ok, so this one technically came out last Friday, but it’s definitely worth a mention in this week’s picks – especially if you haven’t seen it yet! Jennifer Leggio profiles nine of the potentially worst social media efforts so far this year. Online campaigns from Denny’s, Motrin and Quiznos are included in this post that will surely give you an idea of what not to do in the social media space.

When & How To Pay A Blogger
If you’ve considered compensating a blogger in exchange for writing about your product or service, then you better think carefully before executing the plan. Groundswell author and Forrester analyst Josh Bernoff provides some insight of his own along with the pre-requisite guidelines that were recently published by the FTC.

5 Rules for Creating Content that RULES!
Many companies struggle when starting a blog and it’s not necessarily from a lack of content to post. Sometimes the struggle stems from figuring out the best way to position or present that content. Matthew Grant eases the process with this post on Marketing Prof’s Daily Fix with five helpful rules to follow when preparing your content for publishing.

Google Wave: A Complete Guide
The announcement of Google Wave, Google’s upcoming real-time communication platform, received quite a bit of buzz this week. The feature list is pretty impressive and I can already see many ways it could fit into a web-worker’s daily interactions. Check out this guide from Mashable for the low-down. Here’s the video of the Google Wave developer preview from the Google I/O conference as an added bonus: