A Few Of Our Favorite Things For The Holiday Time-Pressed

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… or so the song goes. But for many of us, juggling the additional commitments the season brings makes us feel a bit…grinchy.

kittyWe may not be able to offer you raindrop-laden roses and bewhiskered kittens to brighten your mood, but we can share a few of our favorite things to lighten your load.

We asked our staff to share some of their favorite things for four distinct (but, oh so familiar) personality types. Each week we’ll share our ideas starting this week with the time pressed exec.

So, don’t let the stress of the season rob you of its merriment. Take a gander at our favorite things and try a few for yourself. You may even find a few gift-worthy suggestions to help you finish up your holiday shopping (we aim to serve).

Now, without further ado…

 PPR’s Favorite Things for the Time Pressed Exec (or the average worker bee)

  • Feedly – Yes, I am still a fan of RSS. I like how easy it is to consume multiple industry leading blogs in minutes. The user interface is friendly and intuitive. I can scan through 50 or so blog posts in a matter of minutes, figure out which of those are important and read those. It makes staying on top of industry news much faster.
  • I’ve got to go basic on this one and recommend the Keurig coffee maker (http://www.keurig.com/). When you’ve got an early meeting or are rushing to get out the door, there’s nothing better than to have a freshly-brewed cup of coffee available on demand. The perfect start to a productive day!
  • I am old school in this department. My biggest time saver is my notebook. I sit down every Sunday morning and write 2 lists – one is work-related tasks with deadlines, and the other is personal tasks and my schedule for the week. I keep it handy wherever I go.
  • I use the Wunderlist app for pretty much everything – it’s like a virtual list-maker, file cabinet and personal assistant all in one. 
  • Inc.com – they have tons of helpful snippets, lists, interviews and video on everything from leadership and management to tech gadgets and productivity. It’s consistently interesting content that can be consumed and digested quickly. I’m always in awe of how much quality content they distribute, and I learn something new from it every day.
  • Franklin Covey planner – whether you use the paper-based planner or the software, this is the best system for organizing and prioritizing your tasks and meetings, not to mention tracking important information and helping you stay focused on your goals. To really get the most out of the system, try to participate in a day-long seminar – you’ll be sure to experience at least one eureka moment.

What would you add to our list? Please share in the comments below.