
Persuasive Picks for the week of 04/19/10

prwire_iphone PR Newswire Launches App for iPhone, iPod Touch
PR Newswire announces the launch of their new iPhone app that allows easy access to their enormous database of press releases and multimedia content. The app also allows users to share the content back out via email, Facebook, LinkedIn an Twitter.

Twitter kicks off Promoted Tweets
Dianna Dilworth from DMNews explains Twitter’s recent rollout of their Promoted Tweets service and includes some examples of how brands have started using it.

Creating a Social Media Analytics Action Plan – Part 1: Defining KPIs
A 2009 Bazaarvoice survey that revealed (on average) how businesses have no idea what their social media ROI is. Taylor Pratt from Raven Internet Marketing Tools expands on the results and provides tips on defining KPI (Key Performance Indicators) in this first post of his new Analytics series

How to be a PR rock star in a social media world: The changing face of public relations
Rich Brooks from Flyte New Media recently asked his LinkedIn community the following question: “The role of PR is changing, and I’m curious to know what do you need to do to be appreciated at your job? What are the expectations, what new roles do you have, and how do you look like a hero to your boss at the end of the day and year?” He shares some of the interesting responses via this post.

Social Media Turns Tiny Mistakes Into Big Headaches for Delta Airlines
BNET’s travel industry blogger, Brett Snyder shares the account of Delta Airlines most recent online media blunder that clearly shows the importance of paying attention to every detail when it comes to your brand’s online presence. Someone is always watching.

Persuasive Picks for the week of 03/08/10

turbotax-facebook-page Social Media Lessons from the Big Brands: Intuit Edition
While most big brands are still just experimenting with social media, some have jumped in with both feet and are finding success. This post from Chris Crum explores how tax and financial software giant Inuit has integrated social media strategies into many facets of their business.

18 Use Cases That Show Business How to Finally Put Customers First
In this MPDailyFix guest post, Jeremiah Owyang shares a great set a use cases to help companies “scale to keep up” in the rapid-paced world of social media.

Social Media Marketing: Are You Spread Too Thin?
Its not too difficult to get carried away trying out the latest and greatest social media tools and platforms. Before long, you find yourself swamped trying to keep them all updated. Fast Company Expert Blogger, Rich Brooks, shares advice – hint: keep focused on business goals.

Do You Have a Social Media Disorder?
Noah J. Nelson from notifies us of several new (and very humorous) “personality disorders” that have surfaced with the rise of social media in this reprint on the Huffington Post.

The Truth About the Average Twitter User
Mashable co-editor Ben Parr shares the hard facts about Twitter usage from a recent study by Barracuda Networks.