
PerkettPR’s Heather Mosley on

PerkettPR’s own Executive Vice President, Heather Mosley, makes her second appearance on speaking about the adoption of Twitter for business use. Heather originally contributed her views to MyRaganTV on how PR professionals utilize social media tools like LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs and Twitter as part of their recipe for success, after a speaking engagement at the 2008 Ragan Conference in Chicago. Account Director, Lisa Dilg was also quoted in the article that accompanies the video release. (You can follow Heather on Twitter via @mosleyppr, Lisa via @pprlisa and our agency via @PerkettPR)

Persuasive Picks for the week of 06/02/2008

This week features a shorter set of picks that center around notable videos I’ve spotted. The last even features my appearance on a segment talking about LinkedIn.

Video: Social Media in Plain English
Lee Lefever and his Common Craft videos continue to educate and entertain while breaking down topics in a way that anyone can understand.

Authors@Google: Garr Reynolds
Garr Reynolds, author of the excellent book Presentation Zen, recently spoke at the Google campus. The session has been posted on YouTube for all to enjoy.

Are you LinkedIn?
This week I had the opportunity to contribute some content to In this segment, I talk about how PR Pros can utilize LinkedIn as a valuable tool for both internal and client work.

PerkettPR’s Heather Mosley featured on

PerkettPR’s very own executive vice president, Heather Mosley, is featured in this video interview from She was selected to participate in their “First Person: Conversations with Communicators” video series during PerkettPR’s speaking engagement at the 2008 Ragan Conference. In the video, Heather explains how PR professionals utilize social media tools like LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs and Twitter as part of their recipe for success. (You can follow Heather on Twitter via @mosleyppr)