
Persuasive Picks for the week of 09/27/10

Social Media: In-House or Outsourced
Companies often find it challenging to secure internal resources for handling the daily tasks of social customer engagement. Many turn to outsourcing those tasks as a way to get going more quickly. While a qualified and reputable agency or consultant can help out in most cases, it’s still very important to have internal champions with their finger on the pulse of the customer experience. This post from Maria Ogneva covers many of the reasons why.

3 Social Media Measurement Tips From #TechChat With Andrew Spoeth
This MPDailyFix post from Megan Leap offers up three great social measurement tips from last week’s #TechChat – a weekly Twitter chat sponsored by @MarketingProfs – for those who happened to miss it.

95% of Companies Have Tried Social Media; 40% Didn’t Inhale!
Marketing Pilgrim‘s Andy Beal highlights three of the many interesting findings from the recent Social Media and Online PR Report from Econsultancy and bigmouthmedia.

Understanding That Viral Isn’t Really Social Media
This post from Liana Evans suggests that “going viral is more akin to “word-of-mouth than social media” and takes a look at some key differences between viral marketing and social media marketing.

How to stay focused and not go app crazy
Shashi Bellamkonda from Network Solutions shares Jason Falls‘ insight on social media and business via this Q&A guest post on the Washington Business Journal.

Image Credit: Matt Hamm

Persuasive Picks for the week of 09/06/10

My 3 takeaways on Google Instant
Christopher S. Penn provides an eye opening look at the affect Google’s Instant Search will have on your PPC (pay-per-click) metrics if your business utilizes Google’s AdWords program.

The Social Media Insider, Unplugged
Mediapost’s Social Media Insider, Catharine P. Taylor, shares thoughts on a topic that many of today’s “web-workers” struggle with – the pressure to stay connected versus the freedom of going unplugged.

Help Customers Count on You
Jeanne Bliss from explains the importance of creating a “service magnet” to attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back. She strengthens the idea with highlights from TD Bank‘s success with implementing “Penny Arcades.”

5 ways you will be defeated by the pitch process
Sean X Cummings lays down a healthy dose of reality for agencies when it comes to pitching new business in this post on iMediaConnection.

3 Studies Show Facebook’s Marketing Potential
Amy Porterfield shares the results of three Facebook marketing studies that show the potential value the platform has – based on usage patterns, ad placement and more – via this post on SocialMediaExaminer.

Persuasive Picks for the week of 05/17/10

selling_sm PR Responsibilities | Selling Social Media
Ashley Wirthlin and Frank Strong offer up Part one of a multi-part series on PR responsibilities. This first post dives into the challenges PR firms face when adding social media to their roster of client services.

10 Ways to Improve Your Work-Life Balance shares 10 tips for web-workers that come straight from many CEOs who have mastered the balance of work and play.

Lessons of Hope: How a Blog Can Change Lives
Veronica Jarski from MPDailyFix shares this inspiring story of a blogger who transformed her simple blog into a thriving and active global community that helps enrich the lives of others.

Facebook’s new functions (and how to leverage them)
This iMediaConnection guest post from Doug Akin provides an nice overview of many of the new functions that are available to help leverage Facebook for your company and brand.

Google TV and the Re-Structuring of the Web
Kristen Nicole gives an overview of Google’s upcoming GoogleTV offering and what it means for both consumers and companies alike in this guest post on the EverythingPR blog.

Persuasive Picks for the week of 03/08/10

turbotax-facebook-page Social Media Lessons from the Big Brands: Intuit Edition
While most big brands are still just experimenting with social media, some have jumped in with both feet and are finding success. This post from Chris Crum explores how tax and financial software giant Inuit has integrated social media strategies into many facets of their business.

18 Use Cases That Show Business How to Finally Put Customers First
In this MPDailyFix guest post, Jeremiah Owyang shares a great set a use cases to help companies “scale to keep up” in the rapid-paced world of social media.

Social Media Marketing: Are You Spread Too Thin?
Its not too difficult to get carried away trying out the latest and greatest social media tools and platforms. Before long, you find yourself swamped trying to keep them all updated. Fast Company Expert Blogger, Rich Brooks, shares advice – hint: keep focused on business goals.

Do You Have a Social Media Disorder?
Noah J. Nelson from notifies us of several new (and very humorous) “personality disorders” that have surfaced with the rise of social media in this reprint on the Huffington Post.

The Truth About the Average Twitter User
Mashable co-editor Ben Parr shares the hard facts about Twitter usage from a recent study by Barracuda Networks.