
Persuasive Picks for the week of 03/15/10

facebook-et-1Facebook overtakes Google, Twitterers prefer social to news
The SiliconRepublic’s John Kennedy shares a variety of stats and projections from a recent study issued by Hitwise. The study confirms that traffic to Facebook has outpaced Google. In addition, Twitter is continuing to emerge as a key source for news and media sites.

Twitter’s @anywhere could prove risky for users
Computerworld’s Sharon Gaudin provides a rundown of Twitter’s new @anywhere functionality and explains why this offering could prove risky to brands.

How SEO Can Build Brand
This post from SEOConsult begins the exploration of the relationship between Search Engine Optimization and the profitability of your business.

Is Google Wave getting Buzzed?
Google Wave and Google Buzz are two new apps that many web-workers are still struggling to figure out. Both were launched in radically different ways. While users are still trying to figure out how these products fit into their workflow, it seems that Google itself is also still trying to determine what’s next for these new offerings. To be continued…

It’s the Social Media Strategy Struggle
WebWorkDaily’s Aliza Sherman shares a list of helpful social media strategies that she learned from her experience at this year’s SXSW Interactive Conference.

Persuasive Picks for the week of 02/08/10

Why Google Buzz is brilliant and deadly to social media 1.0
GoogleBuzzLogo68As fanfare over the iPad announcement dies off, Google amped up the online world with a new feature announcement. In this post, Christopher S. Penn shares his views of the positive and negative implications of the all new Google Buzz feature in GMail.

The Value of the ReTweet
Donna Maria from the Indie Business Blog explains the value of “re-tweets” through the result of a month long Twitter experiment she conducted with her fellow colleagues.

Toyota: Way too little, way too late & what they should have done
While the whirlwind of bad press haunting Toyota is far from over, B.L. Ochman recaps the events that started it all, how Toyota reacted and what they should have done to ease the harsh reactions.

Why Social Media Is the New Agency-Client Relationship Builder
Conversation Agent, Valeria Maltoni focuses on the need for companies to consolidate their agency relationships down to one that can provide multiple services (like we do!).

Examples of social media policies
The topic of a Social Media Policy comes up within almost every company when they first begin to engage in the space. This post by Drew McLellan provides a list of many existing examples to help you get started on your own policy.