Persuasive Picks – Week of September 21, 2015

Huffington Post contributor, John Rampton, offers insight and practical tips on how to automate social media for your small business. This article called ” Your Small Business Can Automate Social and PR” simple, yet effective ideas to start automation of your efforts now so you can quickly see ROI.

Forbes once again covers the important topic of social media in an article called “7 Warning Signs That Your Social Media Campaign Is Failing“.  Contributor, Jayson DeMers, offers seven warning signs that your campaign is not effective, including the amount of time spent on the campaign, posts seem self-promotional and your strategy was an afterthought.

Laundry Service CEO Jason Stein Breaks Down Social Media Economics in an AdAge article called “How Much Is A Social Media Influencer’s Audience Really Worth?”  This is part of a digital crash course in the publication focusing on authenticity and great content.