PerkettPR Q&A with Vic Miller, Digital Marketing Producer at PerkettPR

PerkettPR is happy to share a Q&A with our newest employee– Ohio-based, Digital Marketing Producer, Vic Miller (@vicmilleriii). He just wrapped up an awesome, super creative video for our client MyVici, check it out here

1. Explain your role here at PerkettPR?

I am the Digital Production Director for PerkettPR where I am responsible for driving the strategy, direction and execution of digital marketing content and programs for our clients and our organization.

2. What is your biggest accomplishment and how did you get there?

I’ve been awarded medals for my service in the military and I’ve received numerous awards for my work throughout my career, but my biggest achievement will always be taking the challenge that lays in front of me. Like the age-old sentiment goes, “…it’s the journey, not the destination,” it’s having an experience that brings me the biggest sense of accomplishment.

3. What motivates you each day?

I am motivated by the opportunity to create. When I see the potential to create something I get super excited, maybe even overzealous some times.

4. Please list your top tech gadgets – which ones do you have or want to have and why?

My iPhone and MacBook are definite must-have tools. But my geek credentials would be revoked if I didn’t mention my love for Arduino. While it may not be in my productivity toolbox, it’s the coolest DIY gadget ever.

5. Do you have any secret hobbies or ambitions?

I have many interests but mostly I enjoy making things; I draw, paint, sculpt, build, solder, weld, animate, film, record, edit, program, grow, cook, brew, eat, drink, and muse. Oh, and I’ve been making my own sausage for over 20 years.

6. If you travel anywhere, what places would you visit first?

In general, I seek out the flavor of the city; the food , music, and art/culture.  New Orleans is my kind of town; some of the best food, music, atmosphere and people you could ever ask for. There’s a rhythm about New Orleans that I’ve never experienced anywhere else.

7. What TV or movie character do you relate to most and why?

I am a sucker for good antihero characters like Tyler Durden (Fight Club), Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver), or Walter White (AMC’s Breaking Bad).  It’s not that I relate to any specific character traits as much as I find the moral complexity of antiheroes very interesting.

8. What is the favorite part of your job?

I love editing video. I’ve always been drawn to motion and enjoy people watching; I get to tell a story, animate things and play with sounds, but it’s more than that. Sometimes editing is like putting together a puzzle and suddenly everything comes together and creates something magical in a way that only video can do.

9. What defines success for you?

Catching an idea and executing it… good or bad, that’s success for me.  So-called failure is just an opportunity to pursue another idea.