Persuasive Picks for the week of 09/20/10

The New Twitter and What It Means for Your Custom Background
Hugh Briss covers how the recent Twitter interface change will affect all the custom backgrounds implemented on Twitter user’s accounts. Looks like it’s time to fire up Photoshop!

Facebook is spreading like the plague
While brands and business continue to find ways to leverage Facebook in positive ways for the bottom line, personal use of the platform continues to roll into the gutter. Lauren Beckham Falcone provides an eye-opening perspective in this post on

Stories declaring ‘death of PR’ are misguided
Mia Wedgbury from shares her take on the “PR is Dead” declaration that has been knocking on the door of the public relations profession in recent times.

How Businesses Are Unleashing Their Employees’ Social Media Potential
Josh Bernoff, Senior Vice President, Idea Development, at Forrester Research – and the co-author of Empowered: Unleash Your Employees, Energize Your Customers, and Transform Your Business – shares several great examples of how companies are finding success by allowing their employees to be empowered.

4 Marketing Lessons From the Walgreens Transformation
Linda Ireland highlights Walgreens‘ recent switch to “convenience from a customer point of view,” and she shares several takeaways that can be applied to your own business.