Welcome to SimpliSafe – PerkettPR’s Newest Client

SimplisafeI’d like to extend a big welcome to SimpliSafe and send a big huge “thanks” for choosing PerkettPR. Simplisafe provides a sleek and unique consumer “gadget” that also happens to have a very solid value proposition: home security. SimpliSafe provides young urban professionals and college students with a wireless home security system, ideal for any city dweller or those who frequently change residences and are looking for reliable apartment security options.

A cost-effective alternative to more traditional alarm systems, SimpliSafe allows you to pay as you go – no long term contracts – and you own the system. Therefore, you can take the system with you when you move. Best of all, it doesn’t even require a landline or internet connection to reach their 24/7 emergency dispatch center. For more information, visit their website or connect with SimpliSafe on Twitter.


When asked why they chose PerkettPR, CEO and co-founder Chad Laurans said, “PerkettPR brings a great combination of traditional media experience and social media savvy that will help us spread the word about SimpliSafe. Word of mouth is already a big factor for us and with PerkettPR’s help, we aim to drive awareness to new levels.”

We’re extremely excited to help SimpliSafe extend their brand awareness and community – stay tuned!